501c(3) nonprofit organization

Lemonade with ice

Lemonade with Ice is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting girls in their educational journey. Our mission is to empower underprivileged girls around the world by providing them with the guidance and resources they need during the crucial early stages of their lives.

$ 1,000
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To make an offline donation toward Empower Young Girls cause, please Zelle the amount to donate@lemonadewithice.org

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,

Lemonade with Ice


Donation Total: $1,000




Serving Communities Since

$ 0 K

Total Funds Donated

Empowering Young Girls

We Are a NoN-profit orGANIZATION

Lemonade with Ice is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping underprivileged girls by providing essential resources, support, and opportunities to those lacking access to basic education.

Our initiatives include comprehensive educational support designed to address the diverse needs of these girls. We provide school supplies, tutoring, and scholarships to ensure that every girl has the opportunity to succeed academically. By offering these resources, we aim to remove the barriers often preventing underprivileged girls from reaching their full potential.

Ice Venkatesh

message from the founder

Lemonade with Ice’s mission is to ensure that every girl has access to education, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background. Education is a fundamental right for every girl, and Ice is committed to helping them achieve it. She began the Lemonade with Ice journey in 2015, and her dedication to this cause has only grown stronger over the years. Since its inception, Lemonade with Ice has been a beacon of hope and support for girls seeking educational opportunities. Ice’s unwavering commitment to this mission is evident in her tireless efforts to raise awareness and funds for girls’ education. Her belief in the transformative power of education drives her to continue expanding the initiative and reaching more girls in need. Through various fundraising events and community engagements, Ice has inspired countless individuals to join her in this noble cause. Her work transcends boundaries and unites people from all walks of life, emphasizing the universal importance of education. As she moves forward, Ice remains steadfast in her resolve to help every girl achieve her educational dreams, making a lasting impact on their lives and the future of our global community.

Empower Young Girls


$ 1,000
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Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward Empower Young Girls cause, please Zelle the amount to donate@lemonadewithice.org

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,

Lemonade with Ice


Donation Total: $1,000

15.1 million girls out of school
43% female in STEM
Donation Needed
Girl earn 7.7% less per hour
41% female in STEM
Donation Needed
15.1 million girls out of school
43% female in STEM
Donation Needed
33% Female Leaders
29.2% Girls in STEM
Donation Needed

Upcoming Events

Join our events to show your support towards Girls’ Education!

Our Products

Support Girls’ Education by purchasing our products. ALL Funds go to Lemonade with Ice to support children around the world.

We Need your Support!

When you educate a GIRL, you educate a NATION!
$30,106 Raised so far $30,000 Our Goal

Please Select


All donations are tax deductible.
$ 1,000
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward Empower Young Girls cause, please Zelle the amount to donate@lemonadewithice.org

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,

Lemonade with Ice


Donation Total: $1,000

We are a 501c(3) non-profit charity.

Empowering Young Girls

To extend our reach and impact even further, we invite you to donate your time and become a volunteer.

We Help Thousand Of Peoples

Our Volunteers

The volunteers for the Lemonade with Ice initiative are young children. For their safety and privacy, we have chosen not to use their photographs.